June 2016
Devils Tower, Wyoming
19/06/16 18:24
It has been a long winter for Edward Bear. A few weeks ago, Edward knew that spring was coming when the cover came off of the camper and soon it was hooked to the truck and towed away, but the journey was short. The camper has a new home, under a roof, in a new storage place. Ted came by from time to time to work on the camper, doing little repairs, cleaning and a few other chores, but the camper remained in its place. Then, after church on Father's Day the truck came. Edward realized that they were going on the first adventure of the year and it was then that he noticed that a new truck appeared over the winter. This one is a bit bigger and it has a diesel motor and it handles the camper easily.
The trip was fairly short and Edward found himself camped right on the border of the National Park Service property of Mato Tipi, also known as Devil's Tower. After supper there was time to take a look at the sunset and take a few pictures. Tomorrow there will be hiking around the base of the tower and a short drive home. It is going to be a short adventure, but it is good for the camper to be out and about and for Edward to be in motion once again.