
Welcome to my personal website. It offers information about me, my personal journal, photo albums, and information about my work.In 2020, I retired after 42 years as an ordained minister of the United Church of Christ. After retiring, I served an additional two years as Interim Co-Minister of Faith Formation at 1st Congregational United Church of Christ in Bellingham, Washington. Now I identify myself as "mostly retired," but remain open to possibilities of short term opportunities to serve.

This website is continually evolving as I add content and as I grow in my skills at web design and management. At the core of my website are my personal journals. For more than a dozen years I have written and published a 1,000 word personal essay each day without a single day off. Those essays are available through this site.
Click here to see the current year's journal. It contains links to archives of previous years' writing.

Feel free to explore this site. I have tried to keep the navigation simple. There is a menu icon in the upper right hand corner of each page and a contact me link at the bottom of each page for your comments and suggestions. Please feel free to send me an e-mail with your comments on the site. Use the comment button, or
click here.

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