Mitchell, South Dakota
13/09/15 17:28
Edward Bear is off on a new Adventure. Today, when the camper was pulled onto the highway, they headed East! After a few miles, Edward Bear was on new road. The camper has gone North and West, but not too far East or South. After getting a later than usual start, they were off for smooth cruising on the Interstate. They crossed the Missouri River at Chamberlain. Edward was surprised that it was so wide, but there is a dam and so they really crossed on Lake Francis Case, which made it wider than it had originally been. They went through a time zone change and now are on Central Time, which is later than Mountain Time. Time Zones are a bit confusing, but it sure got dark quickly. At 7:30, there was plenty of light. By 8:00, when they stopped for the night it was dark.
Edward found a good tree to climb in the Famil-e-Fun Campground, but it was soon time to go to bed. They have about eight hours of driving tomorrow to get to Missouri. The trip will take them to states that Edward has not yet visited: Iowa and Missouri. And they will be within sight of Nebraska and Kansas. Most of tomorrow's driving will be heading south.
It promises to be a fun adventure.