Heiskell, Tennessee


Edward is back at Volunteer Park in Tennessee tonight, but it has been raining since suppertime. Edward is looking out the window at the rain and remembering all of the fun times he had with Patrick.

The time to say good bye to Patrick and Rachel and Mike came and the trailer was hitched up to the truck. Rachel had a dentist appointment first thing in the morning, so after the camper was pulled out front they waited for a few minutes for her to get home so they could say goodbye.

It was a good thing that the traffic wasn't as bad as when they drove from Tennessee to South Carolina. They stopped for lunch at the North Carolina welcome rest stop and then made a quick stop for fuel in the afternoon. The places where the traffic had been so bad weren't as busy today, so they made the trip in about an hour less than they had when they drove the other direction.

But there were lots of bumps and rough places in the road. At one point the grill on top of the stove bounced off and onto the floor! That was a big crash, but nothing was broken and Ted just picked it up and put it back when he got to the campground.

Because we have been at this campground before, Edward saw a few things that are familiar. However, things look different in the rain. Edward hopes that it stops raining in time to take a walk before bed time.

Tomorrow the plan is to drive to the Whittington Woods in Illinois. Edward liked that campground a lot! After that it is two more sleeps before they get to Rapid City. South Carolina is a long ways from the places that Edward knows the best, but he is glad that he got to make the trip. It has been fun to see new places and special fun to play with Patrick.

Now Edward is thinking about getting back to Rapid City for a visit and then going on to Washington. He can't wait to see Eliza and Emmala and Elliot!

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