Big Timber, Montana

Edward is looking out the window of the camper. There is a lot going on out there. Sometimes he wishes he could go outside more often, but Ted and Susan sometimes go away and don't take him along.

Edward finds names to be interesting. The little girl whose mother is Lucy and father is Dan is named Sylvie. It is a very pretty name and Edward likes it.

The dog who loves to fetch balls and frisbees and sticks and anything that he can get people to throw is named Cody. Lucy and Sylvie and Cody all have the letter y in their names. None of the rest of the people around here do. Y must be a special letter.

Today was a lazy day at the camper. Ted did some work hauling things for Lois and Charlie helped. His name sounds like it should have a y in it, but it doesn't. In the afternoon Ted fixed a bed for when more people come to stay.

Everyone ate spaghetti for supper and had a fun time. They even had huckleberry ice cream bars for dessert. Huckleberries are Edward's favorites. They grow high in the mountains where the air is clear and there are lots of other bears.

It was another hot day, but there were some clouds in the sky and the sunset over the Crazy Mountains was very beautiful.

More people are coming tomorrow. It should be exciting!

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