True Love

Tich Nhat Hanh, True Love: A Practice for Awakening the Heart (Boston: Shambhala), 2011

tich nach hanh true love
Like other books by Tich Nhat Hanh, this book doesn't waste words. Just reading the words takes little time and understanding the basic concepts is also fairly simple. The book, however, focuses on four specific meditations that are potentially lifelong commitments. One can become engaged in layer upon layer of meaning as one practices these disciplines.

Hanh is not talking about love in the sense of a puff of emotion, but rather about an abiding, self-giving, deep connection of spirt and mind with another human being. Learning to be genuine in your own personality and genuinely listening and getting to know another is a huge undertaking, but one worthy of the time and energy invested. The book has practical skills for couples and individuals who are interested in learning more about the nature of love and the ways to experience and practice true love.

My orientation isn't Buddhist. I am a Christian. I do not, however, find anything in this or the other books by Hanh that I have read that threatens my faith or my worldview. The training offered by this book is valuable to people of all faiths.

This is the kind of book that you could read over and over again and return to at various points of your life's journey.